Get medical cannabis with a prescription
We work with your clinic to deliver medical cannabis straight to your door.
If you have a prescription for medical cannabis from a specialist prescriber in the UK, we can provide your medication. Follow the steps below to find out how you can get your medical cannabis from us at Curaleaf Pharmacy.
1 Send us your prescription
Ask your clinic or pharmacy to send us the hard copy of your prescription directly to us.
If not, please send the hard copy of your prescription in the post to us. Please do not post a photocopy or a scan, as we legally need the original to be able to dispense your medication.
There will be a date on your prescription, and you have to get your medication within 28 days of this date.
If your prescription expires, then you’ll need to get a new one from your specialist prescriber clinic. Give them a call to let them know, and they’ll take it from there.
2 Pay for your prescription
Once we receive the hard copy of your prescription, we’ll send you a link to pay for your medication. You can pay with a credit card online using the link.
3 We deliver your medication to your door
Our courier will arrange a date to deliver your medication to you. They’ll send you a tracking number so you can check when it’s coming. You can change the day of your delivery with the courier if you are not going to be in.
If your courier calls and you’re not in, they will leave a card. We use a courier service for our delivery to you and find that the best way to manage your parcel is to download their app – please contact us for details. Your prescription needs to be signed for on the delivery day, so we know you’ve received it.
4 Pop a date in your diary for your repeat prescription
Once you’ve got your medication, write a note in your diary or on a calendar to request your next prescription. We recommend to plan this date 10 days before you run out of medication.
Check with your clinic if you need to book an appointment for a follow-up with your specialist prescriber to get a new prescription, or if you can request prescription from them.
Check out our helpful guide for more information on how to get a repeat prescription for medical cannabis.